In 5K through 2nd grade, all learning is based on the Archdiocese of Milwaukee's academic guides and national, state, and local standards. Students are assessed on each specific standard throughout the year.
While we value our academics, our goal is also to foster our students' spiritual, emotional, and physical growth. Therefore, our lessons also seek to strengthen friendships, discover new interests, and challenge our students in a fun and supportive learning environment. This is achieved through many hands-on experiences and activities in the classroom.
See the curriculum guides below for detailed information on our grade-level standards.
Each week, students attend Art, Music, PE (Physical Education), Library, ACES (led by the school counselor), and Spanish.
We are committed to providing each student with a differentiated learning experience at our school. In grades 5K - 2nd grade, we have a reading and math specialist available for small group and one-on-one instruction.
In mathematics, every unit provides a new opportunity to group students of similar knowledge and abilities. These groups are fluid, and each student can reach their full potential in that unit.
In reading/language arts, teachers structure their lessons in a way that allows for individualized attention while increasing each student's independence.